College of Arts and Sciences

Create change day one.

We welcome, educate, and empower a diverse community of learners.

No student’s experience is exactly like another’s. At the University of Redlands, you will create a personal, 全面的学术经验,灵活规划自己的成功之路-一个高度个性化的, relevant, and interdisciplinary. Explore customizable degrees or accelerated 4+1 pathways to master's degrees. Navigate toward impactful service learning and a meaningful career.  

Affordable and Achievable

You’ve worked hard to make a college career possible. 我们正在努力使个性化教育负担得起、容易获得和实现.


CAS Schools and Centers

Students on Johnston Steps

Johnston Center for Integrative Studies

Johnston brings together bright, creative, 以及对学术和公民追求真正感兴趣的独立学生. 这是一个珍视多样性、讨论各种想法、探索各种可能性的地方.

Stauffer STEM PP image

Stauffer Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Studies

斯托弗中心容纳了该大学在科学领域所有杰出的教学和研究项目, and has been designed to reflect the interdisciplinary, 一所文理大学的合作教学模式.


Student helping elder man

Truesdail Center for Communication Sciences and Disorders

The Truesdail Center, which offers speech and hearing therapy, 为学习交流科学和障碍的学生提供一个机会,将他们所学到的知识应用于有益的, community-facing environment.


Student musicians rehearsing

School of Performing Arts

设有音乐学院和戏剧舞蹈系, 表演艺术学院提供跨学科的艺术表达方法. 各种各样的表演可以让学生发挥他们真正的潜力, forming a strong foundation for a career in the performing arts.


What Students are Saying

Experiential Learning

Student Support

People at a table

First-Year Seminar

Designed as an academic bridge between high school and college, the First-Year Seminar 让你有机会从不同的角度去体验、观察和理解生活. 它还将向你介绍大学课堂讨论的互谅互让风格.

Academic Success and Accessibility

The Academic Success Center 为希望成为知识渊博的学生提供宝贵的资源, successful, and active in creating their own educational experience.

Accessibility 提供学术住宿,以支持您的特定需求,为您在威尼斯人平台接受教育提供成功的机会.

Student Tutors

Native American students on campus

Native Student Programs

我们对印第安学生的支持是内陆帝国其他学院和大学无法比拟的. From advocates, mentors, 以及校内土著社区活动的奖学金(21个部落居住在我们校园100英里内), you’ll be able to experience and join a vibrant, growing native community. Learn more about NSP.

Career and Professional Development

Making the grade is one thing. Navigating your future is another. 为了帮助你成功地从学生生活过渡到职业生活,威尼斯人平台 Office of Career and Professional Development 提供全面的准备,将给你一个现实世界的优势.

student professional development

Hear from Our Faculty and Alumni

Latest News

在4月22日举行的荣誉大会上,学生们被授予各种奖项. (Photo by Coco McKown '04, '10)
Kudos Corner: Student honors


Images from U of R’s Commencement Weekend

Enjoy a slideshow of images from the Commencement Weekend festivities.

U.S. Ski & Snowboard athletic development coordinator Josh Bullock ’03, 2011年(右)在哈佛大学开始了他的职业生涯,现在为哈佛大学指导各个方面的表现.S. Freestyle Mogul team.
Redlands alumnus helps skiers prepare for 2022 Winter Olympics

U.S. Ski & Snowboard athletic development coordinator Josh Bullock ’03, 他的职业生涯始于犹他大学,现在负责美国大学的各个方面的表演.S. Freestyle Mogul team.

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